Company Gardens – Historical Buildings and Restaurant

Companies Garden

Company’s Garden – the green lung of Cape Town

Company’s Garden was the former vegetable garden of the Dutch East India Company. Today, it is an 8-hectare big park, adjacent to the pedestrian precinct. This green oasis is located in the city centre and the perfect spot for locals and tourists who want to relax in the shadow of exotic trees during the summer heat.

You can spend a whole day here if you are not only interested in the garden area but also the multitude of historical buildings. During the summer months (December to February), Company’s Garden is open from 7.30 am to 8:30 pm and the rest of the year from 7.00 am to 7pm. The entrance is free. There is also the Company’s Garden restaurant, which is open from 8 am to 5:30 pm.

Around 300 years ago, the original purpose was to supply the trading ships of the East India Company with fresh vegetables, which were grown here.

There is a main avenue that leads through Company’s Garden. From here, several pathways branch off to different areas and various buildings. Bicycles are not allowed in Company’s Garden.

In the shady spots on the ground and in the trees, you can spot many squirrels. The exact name of this species is Grey Squirrel. They are bigger than the European ones. Visitors like to feed the squirrels but they often end up getting scratched if they come too close to these rodents.  

Interesting Buildings in Company’s Garden

A lot of historical buildings in or near the Company’s Garden can also be visited, for example, St. George’s Cathedral, Slave Lodge, Parliament Building, National Library, Iziko Bertram House, South African National Gallery, Tuinhuys and the Jewish Synagogue.

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